2022 Graduation Reflections

On Saturday, June 18th, under beautiful blue skies and a crisp white tent, our graduates and their families gathered together with Jeanette Voss, their class teacher; school leadership, and other faculty and staff, for a graduation ceremony on the school field. It was a wonderful, joyful crowd. We are so very proud of this graduating class. We wish you all the very best and welcome you into our alumni community.

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Hawthorne Valley Farm Trip—What better way to celebrate Earth Day!

Each year (Covid permitting) students in third through sixth grade have the opportunity to go on a much beloved, farm trip with their class. Our school is fortunate to be able to partner with the Hawthorne Valley Biodynamic Farm in Ghent, NY for these wonderful trips. During these excursions, our children learn many life skills while helping to tend the animals, prepare the food, serve at meals and care for their surroundings as well as being given lessons in farming. Some of the most important lessons come from learning to care for the animals and the health of the planet through its soil.

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Making Sandwiches, Making Change

The eighth graders recently completed the community service component of their Social Inclusion class with Susan Cody. During the cold winter months, the eighth grade made sandwiches during their Social Inclusion class for a meal program that serves those who are unhoused or facing food insecurity. This community service project was designed to give the students an opportunity to do something of value in the wider community, to offer support to people in need and to breakdown stereotypes and build empathy.

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Seventh Grade American Sign Language Course

Our seventh grade students have embarked on an eight week course in American Sign Language (ASL). They are being introduced to the fundamentals of sign from both a grammatical and a social-historical point of view; with lessons focusing on basic communication (finger-spelling, vocabulary related to social settings and introducing oneself) as well as the origins of ASL, and a look at its place in a predominantly hearing world.

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Class of 2022 High School Acceptances

We are so proud of our eighth graders, who have accomplished so much throughout their Waldorf journey. And, a shout out to those who recently were accepted to the following high schools:

The Cambridge School of Weston, Chapel Hill-Chauncey Hall School, Commonwealth School, Concord Academy, Dana Hall School, Lawrence Academy, Matignon High School, Middlesex School, Minuteman High School, St. Joseph Prep, Waldorf High School of Massachusetts Bay, Walnut Hill School for the Arts, The Winsor School

Congratulations, Class of 2022!

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Valentines Love

Here at WSL we celebrate Valentine's Day by spreading messages of good cheer, kindness and connection. Our Eighth Grade has kicked off the festivities crafting valentines for their First Grade buddies during their Social Inclusion class with Ms. Cody. These custom-made, heart-felt greetings are just the beginning as many of our teachers have created valentines with their classes, in English, German, Mandarin, Spanish and Portuguese.

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Third Grade Measurement Main Lesson: Demystifying The World—One Life Skill At A Time

The third grade recently embarked on their Measurement Main Lesson, which included skill-building, hands-on experiences with distance, height, width, weight and time measurement calculations as well as money. The class will explore other “life skills” this year, such as cultivation of food, building of shelters and the manufacture of garments. By gaining experience in these life skills, students begin to see the world objectively, which demystifies it and contributes to their confidence and ability to engage with the world around them.

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Celebrating Lunar New Year

This Lunar New Year we say goodbye to the year of the Ox—and greet the energy of the Tiger. Popular interpretations suggest that the Year of the Tiger will be about making big changes. This will be a year of risk-taking and adventure. We’re finding enthusiasm again, both for ourselves and for others. Everyone is fired up, generosity is at an all-time high and social progress feels possible again. Here at WSL, the students in grades 1–5 have been preparing for this holiday in Mandarin Class.

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Nourishing Gifts For Children

Waldorf School of Lexington Nursery Teacher, Lynne Czysz, shares few gift ideas that will support your child’s healthy sensory development. Some of them may seem strange to the modern consumer, but maybe not to the young child. Most of these items support a multi-sensory experience

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Waldorf School of Lexington
Glimpse Into Eighth Grade Geometry

Geometry teaches flexible thinking. Apart from knowing the traditional concepts of symmetry, triangles, parallel lines, angles, etc., it teaches students to visualize objects and to think about or to reason about their spatial relationships. In the 8th grade geometry block called, Mensuration, Stereometry, and Loci, the class practiced the constructions of geometric forms, built Platonic/and Archimedean solids, and created beautiful depictions of functions in the study of curves, called loci.

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Holocaust Education Presentation

On Wednesday, October 27, our seventh and eighth grade students with some faculty and staff, had the opportunity to meet Simon Gronowski and hear him speak. Mr. Gronowski, who is 90 years old, traveled to the US from his home in Belgium to be honored as a co-recipient of the 2021 Terezin Legacy Award and to meet with the students at the Waldorf School of Lexington.

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2021 Graduation Reflections

On Saturday, June 19th our graduates and their families gathered together with Lauren Smith, their class teacher; school leadership, and other faculty and staff as well as those joining via zoom, for a graduation ceremony in the school auditorium. Due to ongoing Covid restrictions, the in-person attendees were limited but the atmosphere was joyous and heart-filled.

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Holocaust Education Presentation 2021

On April 28, as part of their Social Inclusion class with Ms. Cody, the eighth grade had the great privilege of participating in a virtual Holocaust Education presentation with Mark Ludwig, Executive Director of the Terezin Music Foundation, and Simon Gronowski, a Holocaust survivor in Brussels, Belgium. Read on to learn more about this program as well as view the students’ reflections about this presentation.

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We Got the Beat!

Due to safety regulations during the pandemic, it was not possible to continue our music program for the wind players without making significant changes. We transitioned to Orff instruments in order to give the wind players a way to continue with an ensemble experience—to continue developing their rhythmic and listening skills. Join Mr. Glenn Dickson, our Wind Instructor & Orchestra Leader, as he gives a view into our Middle School Orff classes.

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