Welcome Back To School!

Thursday, September 9th marked the first day of our 51st school year, and we are so happy to be back! Despite the damp weather, the day commenced with joy and anticipation; students and teachers were ready to begin this new school year.

Our traditional Rose Ceremony took place in the back field, where new first graders, eighth grade students and their families came together for the first time; elementary classes and teachers joined us as well. At the beginning of each year, the eighth grade class welcomes their first grade "buddies" in a beautiful ceremony. Each eighth grader presents their first grade buddy with a rose. At the end of the year this gesture of kindness is returned, as each first grader gives their eighth grade buddy a rose to celebrate their friendship and the milestone of graduation. This relationship is nurtured through the year with various activities and projects, which gives the eighth graders an opportunity to reflect on their own journey while our first graders look ahead into their own path through the grades. Congratulations to all of the first grade families for a beautiful launch! View photos of our Rose Ceremony

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