Instrumental music instruction begins in first grade with simple flutes. By third grade, all children are playing recorder with their class teacher and continue to do so until graduation. Starting in third grade, each student learns to play the violin, cello or viola and participates in group lessons. In fifth grade, students may switch to a wind or brass instrument, and the class is divided into a string ensemble and a wind ensemble. Seventh and eighth graders play together in an orchestra. Private lessons are strongly encouraged, and scholarship funds are available to help eligible students defray the cost.
Children sing with their class teacher in first and second grades on a daily basis. By third grade, students are singing simple rounds. Beginning in fifth grade, all students sing in a chorus that meets twice each week. In grades 5–8, the choral repertoire expands to include voice parts and harmonies. We introduce rhythmic and notation work and concepts of major and minor modes, as well as sight-singing.
Choral and instrumental performances take place regularly through recitals, school assemblies, and seasonal celebrations. Students learn to feel confident performing in class and at school events. The experience of singing and playing music also provides a lively and harmonizing atmosphere to the culture of the school.
Visual Arts
Art is an integral part of the Waldorf curriculum, strengthening and enlivening the academic program, as well as providing students with skills for creative self-expression. The visual arts—including illustration, painting, form drawing, and art appreciation—are taught by the class teacher from first through eighth grade. Artistic activity stimulates children’s visual and tactile senses and helps them to enter into learning through the realm of feeling as well as intellect.
Performing Arts
Drama enlivens lessons and is incorporated through storytelling, recitation of poetry, and class plays. Students do not audition at WSL—there is a part in every class play for each student, and children delight in performing for each other, parents, and guests at weekly assemblies and special events. Class plays give students the opportunity to dramatically express and internalize their experience of the curriculum, from a trip to a German bakery in third grade, to a Norse myth in forth grade, and Shakespeare in seventh grade. The annual eighth grade musical is a much anticipated tradition the fills our auditorium to capacity.
Middle School String Ensemble
In Waldorf education, art is seen as an essential instructional tool.
Students perform throughout the elementary years, building skill, poise, and confidence.