Kim John Payne Talk: The Soul of Discipline, March 21 at 7pm via Zoom
Kim John Payne Talk: The Soul of Discipline
Friday, March 21 at 7pm via Zoom, Register Here
Please join us on Friday, March 21 at 7pm via Zoom for a talk by Kim John Payne, bestselling author of Simplicity Parenting and The Soul of Discipline. Friday evening's presentation will set out three cumulative discipline phases. Firstly, training creative compliance for the young child, secondly, building emotional skills for the elementary age, and lastly, for the teenager, managing critical choices.
Because so many of our parenting and teaching challenges occur naturally as part of child development it is possible to anticipate these difficulties and to prepare for them in advance. For discipline to be effective it must always begin with preventive discipline. This presentation will provide a developmental roadmap to help parents and educators establish the kind of discipline that is both nurturing and effective.