Waldorf School of Lexington | Early Childhood to Grade 8

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Community and Connection

At Our May Day Drive Through Celebration

When faced with the challenge of bringing heart and community connection to our May Day Event in these unique times, our school counselor, Julia King and our faculty and staff were not daunted. They brainstormed and innovated around maintaining our May Day tradition during the pandemic. With much careful thought and the support of the Lexington Police, a plan came together for a safe and joyful experience for the whole WSL community. Despite the need for social distancing and the addition of face coverings to the traditional attire, the joy, fun and connection that are a hallmark of WSL’s May Day celebrations would be fully present at this year’s unique event.

On Sunday, May 3rd at 10:30, cars began slowly driving around the Horseshoe in front of our school. Students, alumni, parents, relatives and friends came—they arrived with flowered crowns, and branches, waving signs, and ribbon streamers, calling out greetings, laughing and smiling. There was even a traveling Maypole atop one vehicle! Faculty and staff were positioned on either side of the drive, at safe intervals, holding signs, branches, blossoms, and/or instruments. Instrumental Music Director, Leah Bartell, her husband Gabriel Solomon and their sons, Adrian and Bryn, in coordinating face masks, serenaded the parade of cars and staff with joyous music. The iconic Maypole was erected in front of the school and be-ribboned teachers, wearing face masks, swirled the ribbons round. There was laughter, music and tears of joy and connection.

Many cars circled through more than once, even conducting FaceTime calls with relatives from afar to share the event! “This is Waldorf’s essence,” said Ms. King. “This is the heart of us…community and connection.”

And truly, it was a balm to our hearts. Especially on the heels of the news that the campus will not re-open before the end of the school year. Our distance learning initiative is keeping our students academically connected, but for many this event served as emotional connection and catharsis. “We didn’t know how much we needed it” said one attendee. There were tears that needed to be shed and love and well-wishes beamed across safe distances. Everyone in attendance was touched and filled with emotion. Many of the Eighth graders had significant feelings about this, their last May Day and final few months of school.

After the last car left the Horseshoe, the faculty circled the musicians, singing and dancing, beaming gratitude for all of the lovely music. Then out to Mass. Ave. for waving and well-wishing to the larger community and the local car and bicycle traffic, spreading the love and Spring greetings.

The event for faculty and staff culminated with a spirited photo in front of the school. There was no end to the laughter! What a day!

By all reports, and the happy photos, it is clear that the May Day Drive Through Celebration was an amazing success! See our own photos by the talented, Betsy Peck and the story which was picked up by the local media!