Waldorf School of Lexington | Early Childhood to Grade 8

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Acknowledging Indigenous People's Day

It’s not just a day! ...or a month!

The Waldorf School of Lexington would like to acknowledge that we are currently on the occupied lands of the Massachusset, Nipmuc, Pawtucket and Pennacook tribal nations. We extend our deep respect and gratitude to the many Indigenous people and their ancestors whose rich histories and vibrant communities have, and continue to live here.

On Monday, October 12, Indigenous People’s Day, families in our community celebrated and honored Indigenous People. Some shared or read stories, visited sites of native significance, and/or made art and indigenous foods. The work of re-learning our history and being anti-racist is a deep and challenging process about more than celebrating a single day or month (November is Native American Heritage month).  To explore the many ways that we can all be better First Nations Allies every day, WSL recommends Claudia A. Fox Tree's (Arawak) comprehensive list of resources to help inform and educate.

As a school, we are actively examining ways our school activities and curriculum can be revised to be more inclusive, respectful and truthful to all people, including the people on whose land we sit.